Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dreaming Big

Hello! So I've played far enough ahead to have an heir poll so expect a couple of chapters back to back.
Clementine gets the cover shot because she's kind of a beast. She's handling being a single mom of four and a business tycoon with almost no trouble. It helps that the teens can take care of themselves.

"Hey mom, Donald said he was going to the park to find his soulmate"
"Did he? Good for him. Hopefully she isn't ancient like your father was"

And this is Chantel Holmes, Anne Holme's sister and Daughter of Sherlock. I think there's another sister in there somewhere but I can't remember. How funny would it be if all the brothers married the Holmes sisters?
"So you're sister and my brother are dating"
"God I know she won't shut up about him! She thinks he's the hottest thing since volcanoes. Puhlease!"
"Well we're identical twins..."
"Oh. Maybe she wasn't exaggerating then"

Too late green lady! I think Donald and Chantel are super cute and I'm kind of attached to the idea of the brothers marrying the Holmes sisters.

I know it's only breakfast time, but Happy Birthday Darian!
"Thanks! Hey mom's outside talking to a strange man, is he going to be our new dad?"
His name is Solas, and that's a possibility.

A very strong possibility. Clementine had to go to work before things got too serious. Unfortunately.
Solas is pulling such a cute face.

Geesh bad day at school Donald?
What happened? Did someone make fun of your trick pants?
"You know what? You can bite my shiny, metal ass!"
I couldn't help myself I'm sorry :D

With Clementine still at work, Darian gets his birthday love hugs and his birthday cake baked by his siblings.

And he's super cute! He reminds me of Clark Kent. Anyways, he got the Friend of the World aspiration (nooooo!!!!!!) which gave him the Gregarious (I think) trait. His teen trait is Good.
He's totally Superman isn't he?

Clementine isn't getting any younger so things progressed with Solas very quickly when she got home. She's a level nine in the business career now btw.

Of course Solas wants to have the woohoo!

*bow chicka wow wow*

There is a reason why woohoo rhymes with nooboo!

"So you're telling me that I should move in with you because you are now pregnant. Even though we had woohoo twenty minutes ago"
"Yeah pretty much"
"Okey Dokey"
That's how that works in real life too right?

Solas wants to be a Renaissance Sim and I'm saying that is very unlikely going to happen because he has no skills and doesn't have a job. But I'll try. For now he'll be the gardner until he reaches level 8. Then I'll switch him over to something different.

He does seem excited about his future baby though, that's good. I remember when I said she wasn't going to have more than three. Oh how wrong I was.
"Look Charlie! It's the Great Pumpkin!"
"Thanks babe"
"I'm only playing, you never were so beautiful as you are now with our child growing inside of you"
D'aww :')

Even though Clementine seemed ok with Solas just being her baby daddy, Solas wanted their relationship to be official. He rolled the wish almost immediately after woohoo'ing her which I found quite sweet.

And after a very short engagement and elopement in the bathroom we have a new spouse! Solas is a bookworm, self-assured, a quick learner, and for the love of pixels I can't remember the last one.

Dorian is always super happy when he gets home. The rest usually just look irritated. Perhaps they are adjusting to their apostate step-father?

Donald's aspiration is Soulmate so I though I could jumpstart that with those dates and a new girlfriend. Enter Chantel!

They are super cute together.

One date and First Kiss later and Donald has a girlfriend!

It's nice seeing you outside of your work clothes for once! Why the long face?
"My water broke all over my reports. How do you explain that to the CEO?"
Erm. No comment.

But here is boy #4, the first child of Clementine and Solas. The random name generator automatically suggested the name Dominick and I liked it so I kept it.

Dorian held onto his baby brother for about 3 seconds before...

...I make Solas grow him up. I know this is kind of cheating, but the age gap is already so huge between Dominick and his many other siblings that I thought the two days of being a crying pooping baby were unneccessary.

Dominick is an Artistic Prodigy and rolled Active. I think I'll end this chapter with Dominick and Solas being adorwubble. Happy Simming!

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