Friday, September 16, 2016

Get Ready to Rumble!

This is the last chapter for generation 'G'! It's pretty short but we got all the good stuff in.


We start off with some familiar confetti as the youngest of the generation, Graham, ages into a teen.

Wowzers he is attractive.


His teen trait is Jealous and his aspiration is Master Mixologist which gives him the Essence of Flavour trait.

Of course he gets right to work!

Gimli finished up his whiz kid aspiration and spends the next few days doing whatever the hell he wants.

Not sure why I took this one. Gerard is cute as ever I suppose?

Oh yeah! I sent him to the park to find a lady friend. (Didn't happen). But this is Jaylah, the pregnant lady that Griffe showed an interest in in the last chapter.

He made a friend.

Then waddled home. Sorry Gerard!

Too bad he's not eligible. Gimli is super adorable.

Fabio finally ages up into an adult. I think pregnancy slowed down his age because he is super young compared to the other adults in the house.



Gimli grew up and rolled Angling Ace. He is now going to be ignored in favor of the eligible kids. Sorry bruh.

Time goes by so quickly... and Griffe is ready to become an adult!

Looks so similar it's hardly worth the picture eh?

He rolled Noncommittal as his adult trait. Oh boy.

It's meant to be huh? Sucks she already has a couple of rugrats by Griffe keeps rolling wants for Jaylah so I guess I'll let it happen.

Griffe's garden is going very well! Hopefully he can complete his aspiration before he leaves if he's not the heir.

As cute as this is I've discovered that she 'hates children'. Not the most familial are they?

Graham- Any reason why you're not paying any attention to the attractive son?

Oh please.

Ok your insanity is kind of cute.

Gimli- Where does he get off complaining about not getting attention?

Aww Gimli I'm sorry! I'll try to find you a nice person to settle down with ok?

Gimli- The least you could do.

Collin- I'm not desperate enough for your attention to be a nude model. Get out.

It's not about your nakedness it's about the fact that you took a cup with you into the tub.

Collin- ...whoops.

I did not take a lot of pictures. Sorry. But Gerard is growing up into an adult!

Very nice! 

Gerard got the Art Lover trait. Kind of dull but ok.

Gimli- Ellen has a new favorite and it's not you lol.

Gerard- Cousin-stabbing is a no-no.

These two are really close actually. It's kind of sweet :D

And these two are so adorable it makes me wanna cry.

Gerard was incredibly lucky the next time I sent him spouse-hunting! He became friends with this lovely lady.

And the lady here with the black hair. They are both gorgeous and I love them.

Emmette and Flynn haven't really made an appearance because they've been working on their respective careers but I thought it was high-time they get married.

Picture spam NOW!

Sweeties. Flynn is still one of my favorite sims in existence so this makes me very happy.

If I was unsure before I'm not now. She called him up on a date and they are so adorable I can't separate them. If he's the heir they are just going to have to work on those naughty traits.

If only we all had the love life like our sims have no?

Here's the strange part you guys. So Collin's elder birthday rolled around and everything was going well.

Well besides Xavier just strolling through.

Normal right?

Yeah. This happened right away.

I was so shocked I wasn't even sad.

Umm, thank you for fathering generation 'G'? You finished your aspiration ages ago so at least you died fulfilled. Thank you Collin Locke!

Yeah. So it was Graham's birthday too and even though everyone was sad I went ahead and aged him up too.

Poor beebs. He was so sad :(

Graham gained the Family-Oriented as his adult trait. Now the heir poll!

Please vote and thank you guys so much for reading! I will finish this I promise you!