Friday, January 29, 2016

The E's are Ending

Good afternoon Starshines! The Earth says hello!

Don't judge me.

Welcome back to another chapter from the seemingly never-ending lives of the 'Locke' family. Lucky you folks! This is the last installment of the 'E' children before the heir poll! I am complying with the rules of 'starting over' at every fifth generation so this poor family will have build back up from the bottom once again. 

Fun yeah? Let's get this circus going!

I love Elijah. He's a cootie-patootie with an everlasting smile!

Well hello Xavier. Fancy meeting you here. Jk. I just like taking pictures of him. #sexysimstalker

Eileen is super cute too. All of these children turned out really well!

So I'm trying to get into the 'photography' thing but I don't know how long that will last.

Although I really like looking at the photos on the wall.

Elijah- Did you have to put a naked picture of dad next to us?

Honey, you're lucky you made it on the wall at all!

This never happens! Family meal time is a rare creature indeed.

And just like that Elijah gets the Physically Gifted trait.

Elijah- My hands hurt!

Why is typing considered a 'motor' skill anyway? Weird.

Xavier spends a LOT of time in the garden. Since all he needs is one more 'gold' date with Dottie to complete his aspiration and Dottie needs two more skill points of writing to complete here aspiration, I've deemed Xavier's aspiration 'not as important' so he gets garden duty.

Xavier- Seriously? In my Armani? 

Hey it's not so bad! Look! Your dead father-in-law is helping out!

Xavier- Swell.

Eileen finishes her thingy too and gets the Creatively Gifted trait.

How about we try and finish up your stupid social aspiration huh? To the park!

No. Playing on the monkey bars by yourself is not the way to do it!

I don't have any pictures of it for some reason but she did get the three children friends from this trip. Just a couple adults and she'll be set.

Elijah- Are you sure it's my birthday?

Indeed! I played through there childhoods pretty quickly this time around. I'm really wanting to get to generation F.

With Xavier and Eve watching Elijah ages up!


Very nice indeed! He's got a lot more of Xavier than I previously thought. Anyways.

Elijah rolled Nerd Brain for his aspiration and his traits are currently Lazy, Outgoing, Physically Gifted, and Quick Learner.

He's totes precious.

Honestly nothing happened of importance in between that birthday and this one so here you go.

Happy Birthday Eileen!

These outfits are pretty funny, I'm almost tempted to leave them sometimes.

But nah. She's too adorable for a bowler hat.

Eileen rolled Serial Romantic (I don't think that's what it's called in-game but you know what it means right?)

Her current traits are Cheerful, Childish, Creatively Gifted, and Alluring.

Alluring is right. She's honestly beautiful. Where did those lips come from? Xavier's aren't that large and Dottie's are super thin. Hmm..

I'm also struggling to understand why these teens are so skinny! They fill out a bit more as adults but goodness.

Working on that logic for that aspiration like a boss!

Elijah- Go away please!! I can't concentrate with your stupid prattle!

Geez. You think you know a guy.

I should probably mention that Eve did finish her childhood aspiration. She got the Socially Gifted trait for it too.

Eve- Now I never have to talk to anyone ever again!

Errr I wouldn't bet on it dear.

Eve- Why?!

You'll see.

That's pretty cute, but you look too much like your mother for me with that hair.

Ahh that's better! And you better get used to talking to people because you rolled Master Mixologist as your aspiration and I'm pretty sure talking to the customers is part of being a bartender.

Eve- Whelp. S***!

Well put. Eve's current traits are Goofball, Foodie, Socially Gifted and Essence of Flavor.

Dottie! Haven't seen you around much, what's going on?

Dottie- I did it!

You mean it?!

Dottie- Yep! I finished my aspiration!

AWWW YEAH!!! Dottie finished her Best Selling Author aspiration and gets the Poetic trait!

My teenagers are adorable. I love them so much :D

Too bad your time as one is over Elijah.

I threw him a party and everything but I was so frustrated with the glitchiness of it that I didn't get many pictures. Bronze4lyfe.

Elijah's final trait is Family-Oriented. Awww!

Uncle Dorian came to visit! But with that predatory look Elijah is throwing him I don't think Dorian is sticking around long.

So I sent Elijah downtown to meet spouses. Great plan except for the only girl he wants to talk to is one of my many offspring from the 100 Geek Baby Challenge that I'm doing, and I really don't want those two worlds merging.

Kind of sucks because they do look very cute together.

Eve spends a lot of time right here. She's already on level four of mixology at this point.

And Eileen is only too happy to drink those 'iffy' concoctions. Plus it brings some pretty cute guys around.

Seriously Steve!?

This hooded maniac comes over EVERY DAY to fish across the street. Now I'm not against the undead or anything, but everytime I see him I think one of my sims has starved to death or has been electrocuted. Not to mention he's sort of mean to Dottie which makes no sense because she's an ANGEL!!

Speaking of my angel I suppose I should mention she's at a level 7 of her career. I wuv her so much.

But of course this legacy must go on, so another birthday is held.

Too bad Dottie was the only one who cared enough to watch Eileen grow up.

Eileen- Whatevs, I'm about to be #legal

She's still stunning and gets the Perfectionist trait.


Elijah- Yep. I think all this metal cushioned my fall.

You scared the crap out of me!

Elijah- Forgive me, but I currently don't care about the state of your trousers as I nearly DIED.

Point taken. But at least that one part of your nerdy aspiration is done.

Elijah- Yipee.

I think my game glitched once again, because I remember both Dottie and Xavier being much older. But Dottie is just now reaching the 'adult' stage. Strange.

And with that super sweet kiss Xavier completed his Soulmate aspiration and received the Companion trait. Dawww :'D

And with that I believe I will end this chapter. Make sure you vote for your favorite over at!

Elijah- I don't suppose you are date-able?

Bellatrix- Nope! I'm also one of the 100 Geek babies you aren't allowed to touch.

Elijah- That was probably the worst way you could of said that.

Happy Simming everyone!