Saturday, January 7, 2017

Homeward Bound

This is a super long chapter I'm sorry! 93 pictures total I believe.

But we aren't them weak blog readers are we?!!

Let's do this.

Last time Harold and Harrison moved out and Lily got pregnant. I also installed Get Together finally so you'll see a lot of spam surrounding that EP. Example above! Henry is very popular at the clubs.

Heather-"Is that you swinging those light batons?!"

Henry-"Where'd you find that!"

Heather-"Uh, the interwebbs duh"

Heather-"Don't know why you're embarrassed you killed it man!"

Henry-"Damn straight I did" 

Ice cream is never ending in this house. Not that I mind. Ideally I would eat ice cream all day every day too.

You ok Lily?

Lily- "Yeah, just enjoying this ice cream"

Are you sure? That little 'in labor' icon says otherwise.

Lily-"Oh am I in labor?"


There it is. I forgot to buy bassinets so to the hospital she went.

Mad props for getting your priorities straight. 

That doctor does not look excited about his job.

Lily-"Uh sir would you like to have some coffee and wake up a little before you, ya know, cut me open?"

Sleepy Doc-"Nah I'm good"

Everyone meet Haley Locke!

And her twin Holly!

Normally I freak out at multiples, but Graham isn't getting any younger so I'm happy to get these last few kids out as quickly as possible.

Sweet picture is sweet.

Helen was a little bit irritated that she wasn't the baby anymore.

But she warmed up pretty quick.

I just tried to do this in my living room and I fell on my cat.

Heather was invited out by that guy right there but...

She kept sneaking off to the ladies table to chat. You trying to tell me something Heather?

Just by that sly grin, yes. Lol I'll stop trying to set you up with dudes I guess.

The days went by pretty quickly and it's time for Haley and Holly to grow up!

This is Haley! She grew up with the Geek trait and the Social Butterfly aspiration.

(Red eyes what?!)

Holly grew up with the Cheerful trait and is a Whiz Kid.

Hannah has such an odd face. It's not conventionally attractive, which I love, but at some angles she's just drop dead gorgeous. 

Hannah- *blushes*

Oh like you didn't know.

Ok. I'm really, really stupid because this cake was meant for Henry and he did blow out those candles and became a young adult but I don't have those pictures for some reason.

Anyways his adult trait is Creative.

He met this girl while clubbing during his teen years and I thought she was well-suited to his Mansion Baron aspiration.

He thinks so too :D

This time is is actually Helen's birthday. And you can see Haley and Holly's makeover in this pic. Sorta. Anyways.

Helen-"This cake tastes satisfactory"

Get on with it.

Aww <3

Oh dear. She's a clone of her mother. That's ok I guess. 

Helen grew up with the Neat trait and the Angling Ace aspiration. Which, of course, gives her the Collector trait.

Heather showing off her resting bitch face lol.

Chocolate cake, alcohol, and homework. #finals. 

Heather is constantly getting invited out so I let her go to the bluffs (my favorite by far) and she proceeds to be a typical teen.

Heather-"I resent that"

Yeah. A typical teen would.

She met this lovely bartender. 

And wouldn't leave her alone. I think she found her future soul-mate.

Lol they wave their phones in the air. 

Henry-"Hey thanks for the woohoo advice! I'm going to go use it on my girlfriend now!"

Graham-"Did you have to trap me in a hug to tell me that inappropriate information?"

Henry is true to his word.

That's illegal Henry.

Bush woohoo! Sounds absolutely horrible.

Time for Heather to join her brother in young adulthood.

Sorry for the spam she's just so pretty <3

Her adult trait is Noncommittal. Great.

And with that Heather and Henry move out with Harold and Harrison so that there is room for the last two children of this generation.

Noncommittal trait aside she saves the bartender from being culled by asking her to move in.

And after a makeover I doubly doubly approve of her as a future spouse!

Lily finally finds the popcorn maker!

And Helen take full advantage.

Is dumpster diving for toys come with Get Together? Well I have Holly try it out anyways.

Nothing. #wastemytime2017

These two are so close. I haven't had any sibling in-fighting which is boring. Then again I don't roll a whole lot of evil/mean sims.

Haley is dutifully working on her social butterfly aspiration.

He's cute. Potential spouse maybe?

Did I forget the woohoo/confetti shot? Geez I'm sorry guys. It definitely happened though. Obviously.

Why is it always when you are eating?

Yay. Another baby.

Welcome Herman.

Wasting no time at all!

Just in time really because Graham expires in about four or five days at this point.

Seems like only yesterday.. oh wait. It was.

Welcome to childhood Herman! He grew up with the Self-Assured trait and is a Rambunctious Scamp.

I love this family so much.


Welcome to the world, Harry Locke!

Lily is so upset to be finished with children. Don't look so sad!

This guy came home with Hannah but as he's a teen and she's growing up I didn't push anything.

Happy Birthday! She looks the same don't worry. Her adult trait is Goofball.

I put her in the painter career path because she already had a really high painting skill (not sure where it came from to be honest).

Cute I guess.

That extra weight isn't baby weight is it?


At least she owns it XD

Helen is so sweet. I wish she didn't look exactly like her mother.

We get started on her aspiration.

First thing she caught was a cowberry.

She was invited out by Heather and I thought it might be a good idea.

She chatted with Malcolm all night so I thought there might be something there.

Fricken love this outfit on Heather.

Helen is the only child that is close with ALL of her siblings. It's adorable.

But now it's time for Harry to grow up!

So the oldest and the youngest are the only ones to inherit their mother's light green eyes.

I'm going to make a small chart.

Light green eyes-2
Custom pink eyes-3
Normal pink eyes-1
Red eyes-1
Brown eyes-3

Got some diversity in there though XD

Helen was asked out by Malcolm himself and I thought 'That's great! Don't have to worry about finding her a spouse later!'


He literally yelled at her all night.

She fished her anger away and chatted up Lucas (guy with the minecraft shirt). Maybe honey. Maybe.

Another cake!

I forgot Graham was insane! I see so little of it hahahaha!

Happy Birthday Haley!

Aww! She wants to be a Curator which giver her the Collector trait. She did complete her childhood aspiration so she got the Socially Gifted trait along with her teen trait Bro.

Holly is up next!

The genetic diversity is way more than I ever expected tbh.

Holly wants a Big Happy Family which gives her the Domestic trait. She also completed her childhood aspiration and received the Mentally Gifted trait along with her teen trait Music Lover.

Makeover pics.

Too precious for the world.

I'm going to end it here I think. Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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