Friday, January 13, 2017

Heading Out

So a lot happened since the last update yeah?


Which is why this update is later than scheduled.

Well go on then.

I genuinely have no idea how Holly managed to electrocute herself but there she is. All electrocuted.

Harry is making me chuckle!

Harry- "Gotta get my face-time in before the toddler brats take over!"


Graham is still kicking, but not for much longer :'(

Haley is just being adorable as usual.

These pictures have no point do they? My bad. But this is the daily life here at the Locke house.

Lilly has taken up wellness. I am very impressed with her. Despite being a stay at home mom her whole adult life she has managed to max out Logic and Handiness and is very close to maxing out Cooking, Gaming, and Fitness. You go girl!

So I was planning on hooking up Hannah and Bjorn here but then she kept getting rejected. That's when I realized...

...he's married. I'm impressed at his fidelity but I'm irritated too.

It worked out though because a few days later he was an elder. I've done the elder husband thing it just doesn't work well.

There is only this picture to show it but the entire household was sick with something or other for a couple of days.

Hannah is climbing the painter career pretty quickly. She's level 5 at this point, which is great because Lilly can only complete her aspiration if one of her kids tops a career. 


Ooh la la. Old people lovin'!

I'm a bit of a hardass when it comes to school. I make everyone do their homework immediately unless they are about to die or pee themselves. But everyone has an 'A' so totally worth it right?

Graham is so close to passing away that this picture makes me want to cry :'(

Do they add different paintings in the updates? Or does it depend on the sim painting it? I don't recognize a lot of the paintings that Hannah is doing. Maybe I haven't paid enough attention.


Shut it.

Helen is growing up!

Hannah is super excited not to be the only young adult in the house?! Does seem to be a stupid amount of excitement from her.

Helen gained the Hot-Headed trait. I also put her in the Doctor career, mainly because I haven't played it yet.

I sent her looking for some dudes. The guy behind her was a candidate for a little bit but he kept leaving the conversation and I wasn't going to try and force it.

Harrison! Where did your custom pink eyes go?

Harrison-"I had to get brown contacts. Instead of laughing at my jokes the audience was just laughing at my pink eyes".


Harrison-"Not funny"

Clearly it is XD

Helen is an angling ace so I try to get her to fish any chance I can.

I also finally caved in to Lucas. He kept inviting her out (even though he's a teen) and they are completely in the green. Helen has her soul-mate!

How you feeling Graham?

Graham-"To be honest..."

"...not great"


I'm sorry you died alone. In your kids bedroom.

(Kind of a mixed blessing. Now no one will be blubbering for two days)

You were a super fun heir to play and a great father to 10 children. May you finally have peace and quiet to enjoy your delicious alcoholic beverages.

Yo' Grimmy!

Grim-"My name is Steve. The grim reaper is an occupation."

Yeah yeah, take good care of that one will ya?

Steve (Grim)-"Oh yeah sure! That's not my job you peasant"

What was that?

I lied. Lilly did blubber for two days. It's so sad! She still has another 12 days before she grows up into and elder. All those kids really kept her young!

Hannah is irresistible I guess.

Hannah-"You know it!" 

Thanks to that hot-headed trait Helen was angry on her first day of work. Aren't nurses supposed to project calm and patience.

Helen-"Calm and patience?! I'll stick my calm and patience right up your @#**"


Luckily she managed to fake happiness for her patients.

Nice scrubs!

Lilly is still depressed over Graham.

Luckily her kids aren't! Herman, who you haven't seen in this chapter yet, has just finished his Rambunctious Scamp aspiration and is now Physically Gifted.

Um. So he actually grew up sometime in this chapter but for some reason I don't have any pictures. At. all. 

Sorry Herman!

His teen trait is Jealous and his lifetime aspiration is Serial Romantic which gives him the Alluring trait.

Yeah I didn't take any pictures of Herman growing up but I took plenty of Lucas.

I suck.

Time to start the seduction!

It starts off with some trepidation.

But who can resist a Locke? (not talking about Bjorn the faithful fool).

Lucas isn't exactly a looker but I like his face enough that I'm excited to see the genetics play out.

Enough that I jump-started the baby-making!

Lucas had to go but Helen sent him off with flair.

She is pregnant I just didn't catch the confetti! YAY!

Helen-*Barfs a little bit* yay

Lilly-"Just so you know, Ellen has chosen to impregnate Helen early so that she gets a chance to play with toddlers"

Haley-"Erm, congrats?"

Helen-"Don't worry about mom Haley, I'm genuinely excited!"


Thought it might be a good idea to let Lucas in on it though.

Lucas-"What?! I literally just turned eighteen!"

Harry-"Dude I'm working on my homework if you could quiet down! It's not like you live here you don't have to take care of it!"


Lucas-"I guess I'm happy!"

You better be you oddly cute dork.

Hannah still baffles me with her non conventional beauty.

Haley wants to be a Curator so I sent her off on a rock crunching tour.


Helen had her baby at the hospital. It was a girl and I named her Izzy. Keeping in with the naming theme because an heir has not been decided.

Lucas was over when Helen came home and he immediately went to interact with Izzy. Good daddy!

Haley-"Have you seen my little niece?"

Max-"You mean the one five steps away from here?"

Haley-"Yeah here are some pictures!"

Max-"This makes no sense to me"

Hannah has the soulmate aspiration and I thought it was high time she found someone. So I took the most attractive sim in her relationship panel and made them go at it.

Didn't take too much effort though!

Manuel is now Hannah's boyfriend!

Helen is a sweet mother.

But now it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for!



Here she is! (Her hair turned blonde right after this shot was taken I don't know why)

Izzy's toddler trait is Wild.

Lucas comes by every day so it wasn't long before he met his little angel.

oh god my heart

The interactions are so flippin' cute!

She is so perfect :D

I'm just spamming at this point.

See? Spam!

And more spam XD

Harry is interrupting cute toddler pictures to say that he finished his aspiration and is now Socially Gifted!

Just in time too!

Harry grew up with the Evil trait (joy) and his aspiration is Painter Extraordinaire which gives him the Muser trait.

But his isn't the only birthday! Holly and Haley are both growing up tonight as well!

Holly's adult trait is Mean

And Haley's adult trait is Ambitious.

Thank you guys for reading and the Heir Poll will be posted sometime tonight! Happy Simming!