Thursday, September 8, 2016

Great Galloping Gargoyles!

I am determined to finish this legacy. Therefore I bring you another chapter!

Last time Griffe was born and grew into a Rambunctious Scamp! He also received the Glutton trait. Griffe also became a big brother to baby Gerard. Fabio was also pregnant again before I closed the chapter.

And here we see Griffe diligently working on his aspiration. He finishes before too long I assure you.

Unfortunately Exoh passed away last chapter, but Elijah is still here and takes an active grandparent role.

Flynn and her man are still going strong, as is Flynn's aspiration. She wants to be a body builder and she was quite close to finishing it when I took this picture.

But babies don't last long in the sims 4 and after one last feeding Gerard is ready to grow older.

He looks a lot like his brother Griffe but I'll fix that. He grew up into the Social Butterfly aspiration and, hilariously, the Insane trait.

He is so frackin cute.

Poor Elijah kicked the bucket that night though :'(

Thank you Elijah for being my easy-going nerd. I thoroughly enjoyed traveling the stars and cyberspace with you. Plus, I believe that your nose has been passed on to nearly every granchild, so there is that.

Gerard spends a lot of time here. You should be making friends in the park dear.

But friends are hard to make. For poor Insane Gerard at least.

Gerard- Nobody likes me :'(

I love you. These other kids don't know what they're missing.

Fabio is in labor :D

Another little boy. *Sigh* I have so many awesome girl names :/

Welcome Graham!

Flynn- So the reason I called you over here... I think you should move in!

Emmette (I think)- What for?

Flynn- There's been a development. 

Flynn- Sh**

*attempts to ignore hates children trait while pregnant*

Flynn- Thank pixels you're here. This kid would probably die if left to me.

Emmette- You're funny haha

Flynn- hahaha what's the joke?

She is so pretty.

Graham- While you were admiring my aunt, I decided to grow up. 


After his makeover Graham is looking fresh! He rolled Artistic Prodigy and the Insane trait. This family has three insane people in it. Geez.

Uncle Felix stopped by! Too bad none of the other 'F' kids have reproduced :(

Flynn shocks me by being nice to Graham.

Flynn- This isn't so bad!

Flynn- On second thought...*keeps the bile down*

And Gerard finished his childhood aspiration! He is now Socially Gifted.

Gerard- Lol you're older than me and I finished my aspiration before you!

Griffe- Bite me.

You weren't too far behind my dear! Griffe finished his aspiration as well and got the Physically Gifted trait.

Fabio- Should you be doing that when you're pregnant?

Flynn- Bro I don't need the lecture. What I need is this drink, to get me through this labor, so I can have this sack of demon flesh. 

Fabio- Perfect.

Flynn- Let's do this.

Emmette- *Useless arm wailing*

And it's a boy. I think I'm cursed? Whelp, baby Gimli (sue me I didn't want to name him Greg and LOTR is amazing) is not eligible for heir but he will be a beloved live-in cousin.

And Flynn shocks me further by actually having motherly instincts. Hmm.

You don't see him too much in this chapter but Graham is here! All these kids are super cute. I can't wait to see them all grown up.

Poor Collin is just now making an appearance, I'm counting on him to bring in most of the bacon with his Astronaut career. 

But first! He needs to have his adult birthday!

Aww! And now for your present!

A new house!

So the old house was making the game run super slow so I went back to the basics and slapped a bunch of normal rooms together. It worked and now I can actually get through a sim day in less than an hour XD

Gimile is ready to pop!

I have no idea who that man is?!

Aww Gimili is precious!

See? Even if he isn't eligible I'll tell you his stats. He is a Whiz Kid and rolled Outgoing

And Graham has finished his aspiration! Just plowing through them this chapter! He gets the Artistically Gifted trait.

Emmette's a cutie huh? Good going Flynn!

Emmette- I'm getting wrinkles!

Please. Crow's feet maybe, don't exaggerate.

Good show.

Emmette- Marry me? And my wrinkles?

*rolls eyes*

Flynn- Of course!! *smooches*

Very sweet you guys.

I hate to have favorites, but I think Gerard is probably my favorite right now. It could be the cat shirt. I am notoriously shallow.

Don't know why I included this to be honest.

Fabio- You ready for the responsibilities of an adult along with the restrictions of a child!

Griffe- Gee whiz that sounds like fun!

For some reason I don't have a better picture but Griffe, I assure you, is as handsome as his predecessors. He rolled Freelance Botanist as his aspiration and has the Collector trait. His teen trait is Geek.

I sent him to the park to find a potential love interest and well...

(this is the funniest picture I swear to god)

Old and preggo

A relative

Also old, although very attractive!

This lady is obviously super pregnant but she was the only young adult so I thought why not?

I think her name is Jayda and the more I look at her the more I like her. I REALLY like those eyebrows.

Collin- Any luck?

Griffe- Not particularly.

He did get a bunch of seeds while he was out so he got started on his aspiration.

Gerard has a 'moment'. I love those 'moments'.

And Flynn has her adult birthday!

She is still smokin' hot!

But it's not just her birthday! So more candles were placed and another birthday was had.

Gerard promptly has a 'moment'.

Gerard- The voices tell me that I'm hideous!

Just wait until they see your makeover.

Insanity here rolled Computer Whiz as his aspiration which gives him the Quick Learner trait. His teen trait is Slob.

Gerard- Awww yeah!

Not bad.

And I'm ending it here. With Gimli being awesome.

Gimli- I'm just playing chess?

Sshhhh sweet child. You are awesome.

Thanks everyone for reading! There is still a long road ahead but I'm grateful for every single one of you that reads this stuff. Happy Simming!

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